Homicide: bad word. It means killing another human being. Germicide? For many, good word. It promises to kill what are hated and feared most in this super-sanitary era: germs. Germ is sort of a catchall that refers to any microorganism we can’t actually see. That’s sort of like referring to every non-human living thing as […]
About Margaret Bobinski, DDS
Author Archive | Margaret Bobinski, DDS
Fluoride, it’s for Life
If your goal is healthy teeth for life, then you need fluoride. It ensures newly formed teeth are strong; prevents plaque, caries, and gum disease; and protects roots that get exposed as gums recede over time. This essential mineral is present in what we eat and drink, but a healthy diet doesn’t supply enough for […]
Watch Your Mouth
Self Examinations can Spot Signs of Trouble Through the day, you check the mirror—your hair, your collar, your hem. Ever open your mouth to see what’s inside? You should, and not just when you feel pain or find blood on your toothbrush. You should routinely examine your oral orifice for any changes. Watch for red […]
Dealing with a Dental Phobia
The bad thing about dental phobia is that it prevents people from seeking the care they need—when they need it. The good thing about it is that, today, we can treat fear as successfully as we treat tooth decay or crooked teeth. Over six million people experience some degree of anxiety when they visit the […]
OUCH! Pizza Burns
Do you enjoy eating fresh, hot pizza? If so, you may have experienced a common mouth injury—”pizza burn.” Dentists use this term for a minor burn of the gums and the roof of the mouth (palate). The most frequent cause is biting into hot food such as pizza. The telltale sign of a pizza burn […]
Stroke Prevention: Routine Dental Hygiene Appointments
You may wonder what a tooth cleaning has to do with a stroke—that sudden, devastating paralysis in which blood supply to the brain is blocked. Simply put, it’s the result of a buildup of plaque in the arteries. Yes, the same sort of plaque that builds up on teeth and can go on to cause […]
Fever Blisters, Cold Sores, Canker Sores
Some are caused by a virus, some hurt, and all are unpleasant socially. What exactly is that nasty thing on my mouth? And how do I get rid of it before Friday night? Cold Sores Cold sores and fever blisters are one and the same—small skin blisters on the mouth caused by Herpes simplex virus. […]
Let the Sunshine in!
Are you one of the millions of Americans who spends most of their working and free time indoors? If so, you may be missing out on the important benefits of sunshine, which not only lifts the spirit, but also helps the body create an essential nutrient—vitamin D. Early in this century doctors discovered that too […]
Tongue Brushing
An Old Habit Seems New Here’s an idea that may be new to you. Did you ever think of brushing your tongue? Actually, tongue-brushing is an ancient practice. Our ancestors considered it part of their daily hygiene. Yet many people today aren’t aware that their tongue needs brushing as much as their teeth do. In […]
Our Infection Control Program
Visitors to our practice have probably noticed the efforts we put into making the office open and comfortable. Well, it’s not just cosmetic. We’re doing something about protecting your health. We consulted with experts in the field of asepsis—sterilization. Our aim was to find the best that technology has to offer to keep the practice […]