
No More Metal Mouth

Before And After Composite FillingsYou don’t have to be a dentist to know that metal is NOT a normal component of teeth. Used to be, gold or silver amalgam was necessary to restore structural integrity to damaged teeth (especially molars) that would be subjected to the great stress caused by chewing.

Today, there are new materials that stand up to the stress, but without the metal! They simply didn’t exist just a generation ago. For example, modern porcelain onlays and inlays can replace metal fillings even on back teeth, while leaving them looking as good as—or possibly better than—the originals. Because these replacement fillings are constructed to be so superior, you no longer need to settle for “metal mouth.” And in terms of your appearance—and the self-confidence it boosts—there’s no comparison.

Our goal is always to have a cosmetically attractive, natural-appearing smile.


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