Little Boy

Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist

When should my child first see a dentist, and why? The ideal time is six months after your child’s first (primary) teeth erupt. This time frame is a perfect opportunity for us to carefully examine the development of your child’s mouth. Because dental problems often start early, the sooner the visit the better. To safeguard […]

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Proper Flossing

Tooth Decay: A Preventable Disease

What is tooth decay, and what causes it? Tooth decay is the disease known as caries or cavities. It is not life threatening and is although it is highly preventable, it will affect most people to some degree during their lifetime. Tooth decay occurs when your teeth are frequently exposed to foods containing carbohydrates (starches […]

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Whitened Teeth

Teeth Whitening Facts

Is your wedding approaching and you want your smile to be its brightest? Or maybe you have an important speaking engagement? Whatever the reason, tooth whitening isn’t just for the movie stars, and it isn’t just for one day. Many people have their teeth whitened, and probably millions more are thinking about it. The desire […]

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Dental Emergency

In Case Of A Dental Emergency!

During any emergency it’s important to remain calm as you arrange for treatment, and be sure to follow these instructions in the the meantime. Toothache Rinse mouth vigorously with cool water. Floss to remove food that might be trapped between teeth. DON’T use heat or place aspirin ON the aching tooth or gum. Call us […]

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Healthy Teeth and Gums

Your Mouth and Gum Disease

“A Family Affair” Think of the great things you’ve passed along to your kids: sense of humor, charm, style, wit—why, the list could go on and on of course! Unfortunately, some of the things that get passed from parent to child aren’t that great. One is a predisposition towards periodontitis, or gum disease. Of the […]

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2014 New Year

Need a New Year’s Resolution?

Give Those Teeth More T.L.C.! Here are some New Year’s resolutions you’ll find easy to make. Just keep all five in mind and, chances are, you’ll enjoy a year free of avoidable tooth emergencies! Let those teeth do the job they were meant for—chewing food. Too many people use their teeth to cut thread or […]

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December 31 Year End

Expiring Insurance Benefits—Use Them or Lose Them!

What if someone gave you free money to spend on improving your smile? With one string attached: use it all by New Years’, or lose it. Well, for those fortunate enough to have insurance, there are several ways to take advantage of your plan’s benefits before they expire at the end of the year. Many dental […]

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Toothbrush and Floss

Holiday Stocking Stuffers

As you’re looking for stocking stuffers this holiday season, the last things you might think to shop for are dental supplies. Although offbeat, many dental home care products make practical, fun Christmas gifts. Here are some ideas: Christmas is a good time to tuck a new toothbrush in everyone’s stocking. We suggest you purchase a […]

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Holiday Candy Assortment

The Season and the Sweet Tooth

Food has always played a starring role in holiday traditions. From Thanksgiving turkey to the Hanukkah challah to bouche noel, what we eat defines the occasion (and some of our most lingering memories). It’s no wonder that by January, laments about misplaced waistlines ring out as often as “Happy New Year!” But when it comes […]

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Depressed Woman

Bulimia, the “Private Problem”

Not So Private Anymore If you recognize yourself or someone in your family in this piece, you share a problem with over 500,000 other people. Bulimia. Do you worry about how much you eat—all the time? Do you start a new diet almost every day? Do you perceive everyone else as thinner than you are? […]

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