Oral Cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the world, it kills about one-third of those diagnosed with it, and 28,000 new cases occur each year. And over 25% of oral cancers occur in people who don’t smoke or have other lifestyle risk factors. Now that we’ve got your attention—there’s hope. Trouble Spots—Oral Lesions […]
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How Valuable are Dental X-rays, Really?
There’s no substitute for a dental X-ray in seeing everything we need to know about your teeth, jaw and sinuses. We can diagnose decay under old fillings, abscesses, bone loss due to periodontal (gum) disease, cancer and tumors, extra and impacted teeth. We couldn’t see these conditions with the naked eye no matter how closely […]
What’s Your Smile Say?
The most famous smile in history belongs to Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting, the Mona Lisa. Generations of art analysts have speculated over its meaning. Seductive? Bashful? Secretly knowing? Or could it be, given her upturned—but firmly closed lips, that she was ashamed of showing her teeth? Could they have been chipped, stained, crooked or […]
Crown Considerations
When You’ll Need a Crown For whatever reason, your tooth needs reinforcement and restoration. Perhaps it’s an unsightly color. Maybe you cracked it on a popcorn kernel—or it’s been weakened by several fillings. Maybe you’ve had root canal therapy. You’re probably going to need a replacement crown on that tooth. If two or more teeth […]
Can Kissing Cause Cavities?
Sorry to say, it can. In fact, anything involving contact with saliva—a kiss, parents tasting their babies’ food, sharing of tableware and toothbrushes—can transmit decay-causing bacteria. Soon after birth, infants start to get those bacteria that inhabit the mouth and cause cavities. These germs are usually transferred by the babies’ mothers or other family members. […]
Manual or Mechanical?
Back and forth goes the argument—what toothbrush is best? Gadgeteers can spend $150 for an electric brush designed to rotate and oscillate, with angled neck, sure-grip handle, dual speed control, and even a timer. Researchers say that rotation-oscillation electric brushes remove plaque and reduce gingivitis better than any other kind—but only slightly better. Do-it-yourselfers can […]
Osteoporosis: The Calcium Connection
Osteoporosis—porous bones—is a fragile, frightening reality for at least 15 million North Americans. What begins as a slow and initially painless decrease in bone mass eventually leaves bones weakened and susceptible to fracture. It turns strong backs into weak; healthy strides into shuffles. From a dental viewpoint, the disease is evident in loss of tooth […]
Treating Halitosis
Whether you call it dragon breath, morning breath, or halitosis, persistent bad breath is not only socially embarrassing, it can also be a sign of poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, digestive problems, and even sinus trouble. And all the mouthwashes and breath fresheners in the world won’t solve the problem. A simple visit to our […]
Fluoride & Your Health
What is fluoride, and why is it good for my teeth? Fluoride is a compound of the element fluorine, which is found universally throughout nature in water, soil, air, and in most foods. Fluoride is absorbed easily into tooth enamel, especially in the growing teeth of children. Once teeth are developed, fluoride makes the entire […]
Open Your Mouth and Say Ahhh
There’s a lot we can learn from looking into your mouth during a routine oral exam. Not only is the oral cavity a mirror of your overall health—it’s a sort of early warning system that helps diagnose everything from malnutrition to diabetes to cancer. If you’re not getting enough Vitamin C or B complex in […]