Toothpicks Can Cause Dental Injury and More Toothpicks are quick and convenient when food debris is stuck between teeth, however, they’re also a common cause of dental injury. Because they are so sharp, toothpicks can damage the gums and other soft tissue when used carelessly. They are somewhat ineffective, often pushing debris farther between teeth […]
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Time for a New Toothbrush?
If it’s been a while since you replaced your toothbrush, it may be time to look for signs of aging. If it is badly worn or frayed, it may be doing more harm than good. If you are unsure about the state of your toothbrush, just bring it in at your next appointment and we […]

Toothpaste, Before The Tube
How Product Packaging Improved Oral Health You might think tubes would make an obvious package for toothpaste, but the first toothpaste in a tube wasn’t sold till 1892. These kinds of containers had been around for 50 years but were only used for storing oil paints. Most folks associated collapsible tubes with “Burnt Umber” or […]

Since Your Last Checkup…
Tell Us About Any Changes Dental care is just one part of total health care. Because of that, we need to keep current with your entire health history, the good and the bad. Since your last checkup, be sure to tell us if you: have experienced any new allergies or sensitivities have quit smoking (or […]

Tooth Health: Cut out the Carbonation
Soda, Coke, Soft Drinks, Energy Drinks—whatever you call them, they’re bad for teeth. You probably know that soft drinks aren’t good for you. They are high in sugar and provide little nutrition other than some “empty calories.” Even if you enjoy the diet/zero calorie versions, the acid content can be a problem. That’s because the […]

Bad Habits for Teeth
Everyday Habits can Impact Oral Health Most of us have a bad habit or two that we’d like to change. Here are some common habits that are especially hard on teeth: Biting or Chewing Non-Foods Items Maybe you’ve done it for years with no harm, but each time you bite a non-food object is unnecessary […]

Because We Care…
About Each Patient! Dentistry may be the word that describes the service we provide. But our greater goal is something we call care. It’s reflected in the way we evaluate (and re-evaluate) current treatment methods and the latest dental techniques. It drives the way we look after every patient as an individual, with unique needs, […]

Straight Talk About Disease Control
When you visit our office, you might notice some of the things we do to maintain a sterile environment. We take disease control very seriously, and you can rest assured that we take all the proper precautions to keep you safe! In the Office Sterilization is now—and always has been—a concern in our office. We […]

What Would You Do?
If It Were You? Every day, patients ask us about their dental care. Should I have a crown or a filling? A root canal, or an extraction? Should we fix a “baby tooth?” Or will it just fall out? Is teeth whitening safe? Often the final question we’re asked is, “What would you do if […]

Do You Have Hypertension?
Let Us Know If You’ve Been Diagnosed With Hypertension Hypertension, known as high blood pressure, masquerades as…nothing! No visible symptoms create alarm in the victim or family members. No pain alerts the victim to the danger. Yet hypertension is one of the leading risk factors for heart attack and stroke. It’s also one of the […]