Periodontal Health During Pregnancy Swelling of gums is caused by plaque buildup. One of the unique concerns women face during pregnancy is an increase in plaque that can threaten periodontal (gum) health. If left untreated, plaque buildup can lead to conditions such as pregnancy gingivitis and pregnancy tumors. Much of the change in oral health […]
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Gum Recession Causes & Effects
Why Gum Recession Matters Healthy gums are crucial to healthy teeth! Gum recession is one of the signs of poor oral health, and it can also cause direct problems to teeth. If you have ongoing gum problems or periodontal disease, call our office today at (916) 391-2888. Healthy teeth receive protection from a layer of […]

Gum Problems?
Gum Disease Treated Here! Find assistance in your fight with periodontal disease. For those that have it, gum disease is usually a continuing problem. Individuals may experience periods of healing, only to have flare-ups with increased inflammation, irritation, and bleeding gums. During your fight with gum disease, don’t be scared or embarrassed to reach out […]

Continuing Care for Periodontal Disease
Ongoing Treatment For Gum Disease Why extra appointments are so important. If you’re diagnosed with gum disease, know that you’re not alone. It’s estimated that half of all adults in the US are affected by some form of the condition (which can also go by names like gingivitis, periodontal disease, and periodontitis). As your care […]

What is a Deep Cleaning?
Deep Cleaning Dental Appointments in Sacramento, CA If it’s been a while since your last check-up, we may recommend a deep cleaning. Even if you brush and floss regularly—tartar, plaque, and/or calculus accumulates on teeth in those hard-to-reach places. If this harmful material isn’t removed, then it can cause cavities, tooth decay, and periodontal disease […]

Chronic Inflammation & Gum Disease
Gum Disease may be a sign of systemic inflammation Unlike acute inflammation (your body’s defense against illness or injury) chronic inflammation simultaneously heals and destroys tissue. It’s what happens when the immune system doesn’t know when to stop and often leads to such diseases as heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and gum disease. Dentally […]

Why Diabetes Matters for Your Mouth
The Dental Connection to Diabetes The first symptoms are often oral problems More and more, we realize there’s a relationship between infections in your mouth and inflammation caused by diabetes. And neglecting one makes the other worse! Make sure your blood glucose is controlled. If you have diabetes, uncontrolled blood glucose makes you more susceptible […]

Does Gum Disease Hurt?
Periodontal Disease Can Be Painless One of the reasons gum disease is such a problem is that it progresses gradually, often with no pain during the initial stages. So how can you tell if you’re affected? Have a look at some of the symptoms: Gums that bleed when brushing or flossing – No amount of […]

Preventing Periodontal Disease
Early Diagnosis is the Most Effective Means of Control Periodontal (gum) disease is more common than heart disease or even cancer, but because it’s not categorized as “life-threatening,” few people know much about the condition. The tragedy of this disease is that it can totally devastate your appearance. Left untreated, it will erode your jawbone, […]

Are You at Risk for Gum Disease?
With more than half of American adults affected by gum disease, it’s important to know if you’re in one of the at-risk groups. Some factors are beyond our control, but others can be controlled, and simple things such as better nutrition and behavioral changes can go a long way toward improving oral health and preventing […]