Once teeth are missing from the jawbone—whether one or many; whether from accident or disease—something very important is missing as well. That’s tooth stability. Any denture wearer will tell you there’s nothing more upsetting than a slipping lower denture and the anxious uncertainty it brings. That’s because once one or more teeth are removed, the […]
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Gone Missing
Lose a tooth? We can help you choose the right replacement option. CROWN & BRIDGE is a collective phrase for several methods of restoring teeth. When a tooth has been damaged but is healthy enough to save, we place a crown that covers it and binds it together for strength. Crowns can be fashioned from […]

Ouch! Why am I Wincing?
A sudden, sharp pain when you bite—that’s seemingly out of nowhere? Most likely, it’s a cracked tooth. Even a hairline fracture in a cavity-free molar can make the most hardy of us sit up and take notice. When you’re visited by this kind of bite-down pain, get to the dentist quick. Most cracks are superficial, […]

Learning More About Cracked Teeth
Every tooth fracture’s an emergency. Unfortunately, some are too tiny to be spotted by even a trained eye. We call it Cracked Tooth Syndrome. A patient shows up with a “mouthful of pain.” Something’s wrong somewhere, but which tooth? It could even be a hairline crack in an apparently healthy, cavity-free molar. Most cracks tend […]

Your Teeth and How to Keep Them
By studying the anatomy of a tooth and learning about the functions of the many structures, we can better understand the basics of maintaining good oral health and why it is so important to avoid cavities. Let’s take a look at… The crown is the part of the tooth you see when you look in […]