
Older and Healthy…a Natural Match

Happy Senior WomanThe words “aging” and “healthy” don’t have to be either/or propositions. Fact is, in some ways we grow healthier as we age. We’ve built up so many antibodies that our resistance to virus increases. Years of brushing with fluoride toothpaste actually strengthens tooth enamel.

A little effort on your part now can help insure you’ll feel as good as you’ll look—years from now. As mouths age, the potential of periodontal disease is ever present. So brushing and flossing become more important than ever—along with regular dental checkups that monitor the health of your gums (and, by extension, your teeth).

Cavities? At my age?

Just when you thought cavities were a thing of the past, you may notice gum recession. It often happens as we age. Periodontal tissue pulls away, causing tooth enamel to erode at the gumline. That creates the potential for cavities in the exposed root. Good news: New bonding techniques can shield sensitive teeth from exposure to hot and cold, while making your smile look years younger.

To feel well…eat well.

Good nutrition may be even more important to mature adults than it is to children! If you shy away from certain healthful foods due to an ill-fitting denture, consider a denture reline (or, if called for, a new denture entirely). It’ll make chewing easier and expand your food options. Dental implants may also be an option.

Never too late!

Does cosmetic dentistry make sense “later in life”? Of course! While the average age of we Americans continues to increase, more of us want to appear younger. And it’s possible to reverse the darkening of tooth color that’s a natural byproduct of aging (by age 60, teeth are typically several shades darker than they were at age 30).

Wouldn’t you be happier with whiter, more beautiful teeth? Remember: However old you are today, you’re also younger than you’ll ever be again. So give us a call and let’s get started!

Common Symptoms and What We Can Do

Root Cavities – Bonding reduces sensitivity, rejuvenates tooth shape.
Dry Mouth – Consult your physician about your medications; consider saliva substitutes.
Tooth Fractures – Watch out for hard foods and habits like ice chewing—too much stress.
Tooth Discoloration – Tooth whitening brightens discolored, stained, or darkened teeth.

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