
Tag Archives | bad breath

Tongue Check

Oral Exams: Checking out the Tongue

Have you ever wondered why doctors and dentists ask you to open wide and say, “Ahhhh?” It’s true that dentists are looking for cavities and tooth-related problems, but the tongue and other soft tissues can also be an important indicator of a patient’s overall health. Diseases such as diabetes, AIDS, scarlet fever, and different vitamin […]

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Checking for Bad Breath

Analyzing Bad Breath

Bad breath (or halitosis) happens to all of us from time to time, and nobody likes it. As well as being a social embarrassment, bad breath can also be a warning sign of more serious dental problems. By analyzing the type of bad breath patients complain of, we can help determine its cause. What Causes […]

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Woman Using a Tongue Scrapper

Don’t Forget to Clean Your Tongue!

Brushing Your Tongue Helps Freshen Breath With all the mints, mouthwash, chewing gum and other cover-ups available, there are many ways to freshen your breath. But, if you consistently suffer from halitosis, you might be forgetting an easy way to combat odor-causing bacteria… cleaning your tongue! It makes perfect sense if you think about it, […]

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Older Man in Dental Chair

Is Your Mouth Showing Signs of Aging?

Shortened teeth are a sure sign; lengthening them makes people look younger. We have methods to build up shortened or chipped teeth. Do You Have Periodontal Disease? Periodontal, or gum, disease are rarely noticed in early stages. Only by dental exam do you know for sure. However, there are some telltale symptoms: bleeding gums, bad […]

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Young Woman Checking Her Breath

Do You Have Bad Breath?

When Bad Breath is Something to Worry About Morning breath…dragon mouth…onion breath…there are about as many descriptions of halitosis as there are reasons for it occurring. Chronic bad breath is usually not just too much garlic for lunch. Here’s a list of common bad breath causes, and what you might consider doing about each: Garlic […]

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Woman Checking Her Breath

Frank Talk About Bad Breath

Social embarrassments come in many sizes. But chronic bad breath is near the top of the list. It affects those nearest and dearest to us and may limit the close social contacts we treasure most. Worse yet, a person with bad breath may be unaware he’s offensive—we “turn off” our sensitivity to bad odors over […]

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Bad Breath

Making Bad Breath Go Away

Where Bad Breath Comes From Most, but not all, bad breath comes from bacterial plaque and food accumulated mainly towards the back of the tongue. The problem is, there are all sorts of not-likely-but-possible other reasons for halitosis: upset stomach, anxiety, inflamed gums, saliva deficiency, infections and removable dentures are among them. What Not To Do […]

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Periodontal Examination

Could You Have Gum Disease?

Periodontal disease, (aka gum disease) is painless in its early stages. So how can you tell if it’s in your future? Take a good look at your gums. Then call us. Do your gums bleed—at all—when you brush? Are your gums swollen, red or tender? Have any permanent teeth loosened? Are you distressed by persistent […]

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