
Tag Archives | calcium

Healthy VS Unhealthy Foods

A Few Tips on Nutrition

Get Your Vitamins! Vitamin C is an extremely important in dentistry (and nutrition in general) because of how it helps control periodontal disease and other problems in the mouth. For one thing, Vitamin C—ascorbic acid—seems to help calcium do its job of halting the loss of bone. Animal studies at the Harvard School of Dental […]

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Tooth Questions

Dental Myths, Fabrications, and Falsehoods

Originally, these ideas held because no one really knew how to maintain a great smile over a lifetime. Unfortunately, “popular wisdom” still prevents some people from recognizing how modern dentistry can keep teeth natural, attractive and pain free. Do any of the following notions sound familiar? If so, get ready for a little relief! A […]

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Calcium-Rich Foods

Don’t Forget Your Calcium

Since childhood we’ve been told we need calcium to build strong teeth and bones. But the fact is we never outgrow our need for this important mineral. Why…? Osteoporosis and loss of bone around the teeth can result when we don’t consume enough calcium Authorities say that to reduce the risk of weak, brittle bones […]

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Pregnancy and Oral Health

Oral Health Tips when Having a Baby

You’ve got the glow of a mother-to-be. Keep it with these tips for better oral health for you and your baby. Now you’re eating (and brushing, flossing and keeping dental appointments) for two. Make an appointment at the outset of your pregnancy for a healthy head start and advice on changes that could lead to […]

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Young Mother Drinking Milk

The Calcium Advantage

How important is calcium to us? It’ s very important. Here’s why. It builds strong bones and teeth; helps the heart to beat, muscles to flex, blood to clot, and nerves to send messages throughout the body. Calcium helps to reduce risks of colon cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, premenstrual syndrome, and high cholesterol. Calcium Advantage […]

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