
Tag Archives | carbonic acid

Woman Drinking A Glass of Milk

3 Tips to Protect Your Teeth

Tips on teeth you may not know! Think Calcium! You’ve heard it before: calcium does a body good. You probably didn’t know that much of that good goes straight to the mouth. It’s essential for tooth and bone development. A calcium-deficient diet means less jawbone mass—which can lead to painful fractures and permanent tooth loss. […]

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Cold Cans of Soda

Soft Drinks Pack a Hard Punch

Soft drinks are bad for your teeth in more ways than one. There’s sugar, and then there’s acidity. The sugar provides necessary food for the bad bacteria in your mouth. If you’re drinking the national average of two cans of soft drinks a day, you’re giving aid and sustenance to the enemy. Bacteria eat what […]

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Soda Pop

Tooth Health: Cut out the Carbonation

Soda, Coke, Soft Drinks, Energy Drinks—whatever you call them, they’re bad for teeth. You probably know that soft drinks aren’t good for you. They are high in sugar and provide little nutrition other than some “empty calories.” Even if you enjoy the diet/zero calorie versions, the acid content can be a problem. That’s because the […]

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Woman Using Vending Machine

Vending Machines: Cavity Dispensers

Vending machines put out all kinds of stuff. But vending machines at work or school can dispense cavities right along with the candy and soda pop that we love so much in afternoon pick-me-ups. So-called soft drinks don’t do teeth any favors. Not even diet soda. That’s because sugar isn’t the real culprit. It’s carbonic […]

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