
Tag Archives | cavities

Mixed Drinks

Alcohol and Your Teeth

Dentally speaking, is drinking alcohol a good thing or a bad thing for your teeth and gums? As with everything alcohol related, there are positives and negatives. On one hand, a mixer-free shot of vodka is probably less hazardous than caramel candies, which coat the teeth with a sticky goo that practically begs for cavities. […]

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Mouthwash FAQs

Whether it’s to mask bad breath, fight cavities or prevent the buildup of plaque, the sticky material that contains germs and can lead to oral diseases, mouthwash serves a variety of purposes. Or so we think. Though they may leave your mouth with a clean, fresh taste, some washes can be harmful, concealing bad breath […]

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Smiling Boy

Dental Sealants for Kids

Simply Good Parenting – Dental Sealants Of course we want the best for our children, and most of us work at good parenting every day: quality schools, solid values, a sense of family. Time and money may put limits on what we can do for our kids’ health and happiness, but not when it comes […]

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Before And After Composite Fillings

No More Metal Mouth

You don’t have to be a dentist to know that metal is NOT a normal component of teeth. Used to be, gold or silver amalgam was necessary to restore structural integrity to damaged teeth (especially molars) that would be subjected to the great stress caused by chewing. Today, there are new materials that stand up […]

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Woman With Sensitive Teeth

Sense about Sensitivity

When teeth hurt, the sooner we reach the root of the problem, the sooner the pain disappears. What triggers tooth pain? Heat, cold, touch, air, sweet or sour foods. If you recently had a cavity filled, that area may be sensitive for awhile. Other causes of sensitivity are: Erosion of tooth enamel. Gum shrinkage down […]

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Fluoride Trays

Fluoride—You Never Outgrow Your Need

You grew up with fluoride. Your teeth show it in the very fact that you still have them. Before 1945, by the time your nest was empty, your mouth was often empty as well. But when cities began adding it to water supplies, tooth decay took a nose dive. Most of us never gave it […]

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Mom and Dad Kissing Baby

Can Kissing Cause Cavities?

Sorry to say, it can. In fact, anything involving contact with saliva—a kiss, parents tasting their babies’ food, sharing of tableware and toothbrushes—can transmit decay-causing bacteria. Soon after birth, infants start to get those bacteria that inhabit the mouth and cause cavities. These germs are usually transferred by the babies’ mothers or other family members. […]

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Metal Free Fillings

Tooth Colored Fillings—Now You See ‘em…

For those of you who feel a mouth full of silver or gold fillings is cosmetically appealing, you need not read any further. However, if you’re like me, and prefer your fillings to look like natural teeth, then I have good news for you. Due to advances in dental technology, we can place tooth colored […]

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Fluoridated Toothpaste

Fluoride & Your Health

What is fluoride, and why is it good for my teeth? Fluoride is a compound of the element fluorine, which is found universally throughout nature in water, soil, air, and in most foods. Fluoride is absorbed easily into tooth enamel, especially in the growing teeth of children. Once teeth are developed, fluoride makes the entire […]

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Proper Flossing

Tooth Decay: A Preventable Disease

What is tooth decay, and what causes it? Tooth decay is the disease known as caries or cavities. It is not life threatening and is although it is highly preventable, it will affect most people to some degree during their lifetime. Tooth decay occurs when your teeth are frequently exposed to foods containing carbohydrates (starches […]

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