
Tag Archives | cavities

Friends Toasting in a Tavern

Alcohol and Your Health…

Just the Facts There’s so much conflicting information regarding drinking alcohol blasting at us these days. A glass of red wine is good? Is even drinking at all a good idea? It’s a matter of proportion. The facts are these. First, alcohol affects women more than men. Because men tend to be heavier in muscle […]

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Man With Tooth Pain

What Causes a Toothache, Besides Cavities

“My tooth hurts. It must have a cavity.” Well, maybe it does. However, other conditions can cause a tooth to be sensitive to hot or cold foods, to the pressure of chewing… or to just plain ache. A few of these other toothache possibilities are: Shrinkage of the gum down below the top part of […]

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Spoon In A Bowl Of Sugar

Psssssssst—Secret Sugar

Lurks in Every Pantry Your sugar bowl sits on the table, and you lift its lid only to sweeten your morning coffee. You deserve a medal for exemplary nutritional behavior! Are you sure? Most folks eat more sugar than they realize—150 pounds per year average. That’s 6 ounces—3/4 of a cup—every day. Two-thirds of Americans […]

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Woman With A Toothache

Listen to Your Teeth

An aching tooth’s a warning. Often it’s a cavity, but not always. Other Toothache Causes… After a filling, a tooth can sometimes be a bit sensitive. It’s a normal reaction that should soon correct it-self. In the morning, an aching tooth could be the result of grinding or tooth-clenching overnight. Not a cavity, but a […]

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Filling A Glass With Water

MMMMMM! It’s Mouth-Watering

You stand to speak to a crowd of thousands–and your mouth is desert-dry. That’s normal. But under less stressful circumstances, a dry mouth is not normal. In fact, it’s cause for concern. Saliva has a critical role in the health of your mouth and your body. It flushes out the plaque that causes tooth decay […]

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Multiple Choice Questions

Check Your Dental I.Q.

Read each question and choose the best answer. Scoring below. 1. The best toothbrush bristle is: (a) Medium (b) Hard (c) soft (d) electric 2. Teeth grinding and gnashing (bruxism) can lead to: (a) a pain in the neck (b) Sore teeth (c) Headaches (d) all of the above 3. The dentist’s word for cavities: […]

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