When You’ll Need a Crown For whatever reason, your tooth needs reinforcement and restoration. Perhaps it’s an unsightly color. Maybe you cracked it on a popcorn kernel—or it’s been weakened by several fillings. Maybe you’ve had root canal therapy. You’re probably going to need a replacement crown on that tooth. If two or more teeth […]
Tag Archives | cracked tooth

Crowns – Dental Workhorses
Crowns are natural looking, comfortable and stable… Most dentists will agree that crown restorations are at the heart of general dentistry. We’ve all studied crowns in dental school, and some of us have done our best work replacing missing teeth and saving the rest. Research has given us the wherewithal to achieve virtually ideal restorations. […]

Cracked Tooth Treatment
Do You Have A Cracked Tooth? Whether superficial, structural, or painful damage, seek treatment now! Anyone who’s ever had a cracked tooth can tell you that it can be a distressing situation. However, tooth cracks (fractures) are easily fixable with a range of effective and modern options. Call us today at (916) 391-2888 to schedule […]

Athletic Mouthguards
Custom-fitted Mouthguards in Sacramento, CA Mouthguards can protect teeth during contact sports and other risky activities. Accidents happen… and dental injuries during athletic competition are an all-too-common occurrence. Once a tooth is cracked, broken—or worse, knocked out—there’s no going back. It’s for keeps. The National Institute of Dental Research reports a dramatic drop in mouth […]

Even When Tiny… Tooth Cracks Need Attention
Every tooth fracture needs prompt treatment. No chip or crack is insignificant. Unfortunately, some cracks are too small to be seen, even by a trained eye. Sometimes the culprit is a hairline crack in what looks like a healthy tooth. You may not be aware of the damage until pain fills your mouth. You may […]

Ouch! Why am I Wincing?
A sudden, sharp pain when you bite—that’s seemingly out of nowhere? Most likely, it’s a cracked tooth. Even a hairline fracture in a cavity-free molar can make the most hardy of us sit up and take notice. When you’re visited by this kind of bite-down pain, get to the dentist quick. Most cracks are superficial, […]

Learning More About Cracked Teeth
Every tooth fracture’s an emergency. Unfortunately, some are too tiny to be spotted by even a trained eye. We call it Cracked Tooth Syndrome. A patient shows up with a “mouthful of pain.” Something’s wrong somewhere, but which tooth? It could even be a hairline crack in an apparently healthy, cavity-free molar. Most cracks tend […]