For the right patient missing the right tooth, the Tooth Fairy has bailed us out again. A lot of people are missing a single tooth. Until recently, the only options for replacement took the form of a bridge. Dentistry calls this gizmo a fixed or removable partial denture and, for it to fit properly, a […]
Tag Archives | missing tooth

The Hi-Tech Art of Restorative Dentistry
When a tooth is lost, nothing is ever the same. The entire balance of a healthy mouth is lost: the bite goes off, opposing teeth overgrow in unpredictable directions, facial appearance ages. Restorative dentistry is all about bringing mouths back into use. How? Let us count the ways. Bridges are partnered with crowns to resolve […]

Dry Socket, A Painful Setback
What Is Dry Socket? What to know after an extraction. You probably know that missing a tooth can cause problems. Of course, it leaves behind a gap in your smile, affecting your appearance. But it can also impact your ability to eat properly and cause other oral health problems. Yes, a missing tooth is never […]

Dental Bridge, What Is It?
Get A Dental Bridge Today Replace a missing or damaged tooth. You’ve probably heard of a dental bridge, but unless you’ve had one yourself, you may not know precisely what it entails. A bridge is a replacement option for a missing tooth or a tooth that has too extensive damage to be effectively repaired. We […]

Crowns & Bridges: How They Work
A missing tooth is more than just a hindrance to normal chewing, and more than a cosmetic bother. It’s a threat to the entire architecture of your mouth. The mouth is dynamic. Where there is a missing tooth, neighboring teeth drift, gum disease may crop up, even the unprotected bone ridge is susceptible to damage. […]

Crown and Bridge Treatment
Maintaining the integrity of your mouth Teeth are tough. Formed from the hardest substances in the body, they’re harder even than bone. But they’re not indestructible. Throughout life teeth are subject to injury—maybe it will be a blow from a hockey puck in your twenties. Or a luckless chomp on an unseen popcorn kernel in […]

Gone Missing
Lose a tooth? We can help you choose the right replacement option. CROWN & BRIDGE is a collective phrase for several methods of restoring teeth. When a tooth has been damaged but is healthy enough to save, we place a crown that covers it and binds it together for strength. Crowns can be fashioned from […]