
Tag Archives | porcelain veneers

Older Woman Smiling

In Need of a Dental Tune Up?

Options are Available to Improve an Aging Smile Are you at the point in life where most everything still works, but there’s just no denying that you’re getting a little older? Maybe you hear your joints creak, and you’ve started wearing glasses to read. Your hairstylist suggests new ways to cover the gray… The same […]

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Woman Smiling Bright

Concerned with Smile Imperfections?

Have Confidence and Smile Wide! Several aspects of the teeth, lips, and mouth combine to create the overall aesthetic of a smile. The smile line should have a slight curve to the upper teeth, following the curve of the lower lip. The teeth themselves should not be crowded or have gaps, and men’s teeth are […]

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Composite Bonding Resin

All About Bonding

Improving the smiles and self-esteem of our patients is one of the best parts of our job. And often this requires the use of dental bonding, a painless and easy way to restore damaged teeth, or just to improve appearance. A thin layer of liquid resin is simply brushed onto the tooth and cured with […]

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Woman Embarrassed About Her Teeth

Don’t Hide That Smile

Are stained, chipped, or crooked teeth cramping your smile? Years Ago, the only solution for unattractive teeth was disguising them with crowns. Today, we’ve got better options in porcelain veneers, cosmetic bonding, and teeth whitening. Take porcelain veneers for example, thanks to recent improvements in dental materials and technology, these “instant orthodontics” are easy, painless, […]

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Older Woman Smiling

Looking Good at Any Age

These days, ordinary people are cosmetically enhancing their appeal, stripping years from bodies, faces, and smiles. And dentistry can go a long way in helping you look as young as you feel! Cosmetic vs. Restorative Dentistry What’s the difference? Both have to do with individual wants and needs. The goal of cosmetic dentistry is to […]

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