Say you’ve spent the time and effort to get your mouth and teeth in shape. You’re dentally hale and hearty. And you smoke. As if there isn’t enough reason to give up smoking, your dental health suffers too. Dramatically. Aside from the tobacco stains on teeth (not to mention the bouquet), serious oral disease can […]
Tag Archives | smoking

Tobacco Use & Your Oral Health
Does Smoking & Using Tobacco Cause Oral Problems? Learn about the adverse effects. You probably know that smoking cigarettes and using tobacco is detrimental to your health. But the problems are not limited to lung disease and secondhand smoke. On the contrary, the use of this harmful carcinogen can also have adverse effects on your […]

Receding Gums Treatment
Do You Have Receding Gums? What it means and how to treat it. Receding gums is a common periodontal problem where the gum tissue shrinks or retracts, leaving teeth exposed and vulnerable. Gum recession has several possible causes and is more likely to occur as we age. When it comes to dentistry, our primary goal […]

Gum Recession Causes & Effects
Why Gum Recession Matters Healthy gums are crucial to healthy teeth! Gum recession is one of the signs of poor oral health, and it can also cause direct problems to teeth. If you have ongoing gum problems or periodontal disease, call our office today at (916) 391-2888. Healthy teeth receive protection from a layer of […]

Chronic Inflammation & Gum Disease
Gum Disease may be a sign of systemic inflammation Unlike acute inflammation (your body’s defense against illness or injury) chronic inflammation simultaneously heals and destroys tissue. It’s what happens when the immune system doesn’t know when to stop and often leads to such diseases as heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and gum disease. Dentally […]

Been Awhile Since Your Checkup?
Alert Us to Changes Any changes in your health should be discussed with your dentist. Whether you’re a new patient visiting us for the first time, or a returning patient and it’s been a while since your last checkup, it’s important to update us on any changes. Dental care is just one component of your […]

Since Your Last Checkup…
Tell Us About Any Changes Dental care is just one part of total health care. Because of that, we need to keep current with your entire health history, the good and the bad. Since your last checkup, be sure to tell us if you: have experienced any new allergies or sensitivities have quit smoking (or […]

Bad Habits for Teeth
Everyday Habits can Impact Oral Health Most of us have a bad habit or two that we’d like to change. Here are some common habits that are especially hard on teeth: Biting or Chewing Non-Foods Items Maybe you’ve done it for years with no harm, but each time you bite a non-food object is unnecessary […]

Are You at Risk for Gum Disease?
With more than half of American adults affected by gum disease, it’s important to know if you’re in one of the at-risk groups. Some factors are beyond our control, but others can be controlled, and simple things such as better nutrition and behavioral changes can go a long way toward improving oral health and preventing […]

Keep us Updated About Any Health Changes!
Your Mouth Works Hand in Hand with Your Body Dental care is just one part of total health care. Because of that, we need to keep current with your entire health history, the good and the bad. Be sure to tell us if you… have experienced any new allergies or sensitivities have quit smoking (or […]