A Pierced Tongue, Lip, or Cheek A pierced body part may be essential to your style, but if it involves the mouth, it may not be the best choice in regards to your oral health. If you do have a piercing or are thinking about getting one, make sure you consider the potential effects and […]
Tag Archives | speech

The Battle of the Thumb
What’s Wrong with Sucking Your Thumb? Most parents of preschoolers are engaged in the “battle of the thumb.” The thumb usually wins hands down. Continuous pressure on teeth from sucking can affect bone growth or even change the shape of the roof of the mouth. Upper teeth are sometimes pushed out while bottom teeth are […]

What Did You Say?
We’ve all heard young children speak “baby talk.” Sometimes it can sound endearing—or it may be a speech defect. In early infancy, babies begin to make vowel sounds, usually mastered by age three. Consonant sounds are more difficult and come a little later on. By the eighth birthday, most children can pronounce all consonants and […]